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sukha outdoors

Sukha Outdoors is our foundational strength and conditioning offering that follows our self-led format, you guessed it, OUTDOORS.
sukha outdoors schedule

Sukha Outdoors is our self-led foundational strength and conditioning offering.

You guessed it, the offering is held OUTDOORS. Sukha Outdoors utilizes our Sorinex weight racks with a majority of the program centralized around the barbell. This periodized program offers a different program than our Sukha Strength offering. Since it is meant to be a self-led program, we use very simplistic exercises and rep schemes that you are familiar with. There are no time limits or clocks to race against; if you have movements you want to slow down and work on it's the offering for you!

Sukha Run Club is the perfect complement to our strength and condition program.

Accessible to our members every Wednesday at 6:00AM (3 miles), we run out and back so everyone can finish at the same time together. All paces welcome.
let's go outdoors →