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Group training

Our group training foundational class offering is Sukha Strength. In this class you will train all facets from strength, mobility and conditioning through a specific monthly program.
sukha strength schedule

Sukha Strength is an opportunity to follow a foundational strength and conditioning program.

The Sukha Strength class is periodized each month. There is a focus on a specific movement, typically via progressive overload each day, for the entire month. Supplemental movements are also included in this program to increase the proficiency in each day’s focus. This is our slowest and most technique-based class offering.

Programming weekly focus:
  • Monday - Lower Body Focus
  • Tuesday - Upper Body Focus
  • Wednesday - Mobility Focus
  • Thursday - Total Body Focus
  • Friday - Conditioning Focus
  • Saturday - Sukha “75” Signature
  • Sunday - Sukha Power Hour
sign-up for sukha strength →
Sukha 75 Signature and Power Hour are a chance to engage with your community in movements outside of our periodized program.

Sukha “75” Signature

Bring the juice! A 75 minute banger. Weekends are an opportunity to step away from our deep serious weekly work. They are also a chance to attack a couple of our other Sukha pillars, Community and Mother Nature. We believe that hard things should be shared together so be ready for a series of partner and team challenges!

Sukha Power Hour

A 60 minute offering that focuses on full body through a combination of aerobic cardio with power training. The purpose of the aerobic cardio is to have continuous activity and increase endurance while the power training features explosive compound movements and plyometrics. This offering is always concluded with a guided intuitive cool down stretch.