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Live the sukha lifestyle

Sukha (sue-kah) is the journey and pursuit of happiness through the alignment of the mind and body.

We believe in physical struggle

A disruption to your body, your mind, your comfort - so that you can find your individual “sukha.” We encourage disruption through our programming, recovery, and events as well as connecting with Mother Nature and your community.

Sukha Club is a social fitness and wellness community

Sukha Training Floor: From classes to open gym - every foot of Sukha was carefully designed by our equipment partner Sorinex Exercise Equipment to maximize your physical results.

Sukha Restore: You are only able to train as much as you can recover from. Incorporate contrast therapy into your recovery with cold plunges/ saunas and  passive variations like compression boots and theraguns.

Sukha Social: As you train to become a better version of yourself - embrace the quality relationships of those training around you and apply this version of yourself in the community.
Come on the journey →